30 best excursions in Paris


Undoubtedly, the best way to get to know a new place is to book an exciting city walk accompanied by an experienced guide. This rule also applies to guests of the most romantic capital of the world. Excursions in Paris in Russian can be inexpensively ordered through specialized sites or by contacting a travel agency. Today we will tell you how, for a modest fee, you can agree on an exciting trip to the most interesting corners of Paris, and also share some options for the most unusual routes that are guaranteed to give every tourist a lot of positive emotions.

Sightseeing tours - in this section we tried to collect the most interesting sightseeing routes accompanied by experienced guides. This is one of the best ways to get an overview of the French capital in a short amount of time.

Welcome to Paris

Paris is many-sided and varied. He greets guests not only with the glitter of the lights of the Eiffel Tower, the aristocratic spirit of the Champs Elysees or the Gothic mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral. The special chic and attractiveness of the French capital in the secluded streets, medieval courtyards and cozy cafes, which often remain outside the excursion programs.

During this walk, you will not only visit the Isle of Cité and see the legendary Notre Dame de Paris, admire the magnificent royal palaces and the residence of the Count Richelieu, try to hear the stone symphony of Parisian bridges, but also fully experience the medieval flavor of this city, walking through the most secluded corners of the Latin Quarter. And, of course, acquaintance with the French capital cannot be considered complete without visiting the museum, which has long become a legend and a visiting card of the entire country - the Louvre. If desired, the route can be supplemented (for an additional fee, of course) - to visit the opera, on the observation deck and in any other interesting place - fortunately, there are enough of them in Paris.

Big "batman" in Paris

On any trip, you want to learn as much as possible about the history of the city. In Paris, built in a circle, this can be done in the form of a "big batman", passing through historically important places. During an interesting walk, you can feel how the architecture of Paris has changed, how it has turned into the most beautiful city in the world. The route starts from the Latin Quarter, which houses the famous Sorbona University, the narrowest street in the city.

After the exploration of the Marais quarter, it is the turn of the Cité, Saint Louis, Beaubourg and Les Halles. The centuries-old history of the Louvre, the Palais Royal park associated with the life of Cardinal Richelieu, the famous opera Garnier with its secrets and legends. We will walk along the Champs Elysees, admire the view of the Arc de Triomphe, the Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower, and return to the beginning of the journey in the Saint-Germain quarter. The duration of the "big batman" is 7 hours, the cost of participation is about 50 € per person.

Understand Paris in two hours

Another exciting excursion lasting 2 hours. This time, an experienced guide will take tourists through the most famous quarters of the city, tell a lot of interesting stories that are filled with heroism, tragedy, and love. Particular attention will be paid to the story of the origin of the city and its formation in different historical eras. Group members are accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide. The route passes through such historical places as Notre Dame, Chatelet, Beauvais Mansion, Jewish Quarter, Place des Vosges, Sans and Sully mansions, Carnavale and others.

Louvre masterpieces in 2 hours

More than 160 thousand m2, which houses the masterpieces of world culture - this is the approximate area of ​​one of the largest museums in the world. It is impossible to get around the Louvre in 2 hours or 2 days, so tourists need a guide in the world of beauty. Without it, it would be difficult to navigate and find the most famous masterpieces that are considered a must see program. For 2 hours, tourists will have to admire the elusive magic of the Mona Lisa or Mona Lisa's smile, appreciate the realism of Gericault's "Medusa" raft, for which the author was criticized, and the monumentality of the "Coronation of Napoleon" by David.

Sculptures by unknown masters evoke constant delight: the stunning beauty “Venus de Milo” and the flying goddess of victory - Nika of Samothrace. In addition, the tour includes an inspection of the works of Michelangelo and Canova, Ingres, the stele of Hammurabi and much more. A bonus will be the ability to skip the line.

Parisian secrets

You can take a long look at the sights of the beautiful city of France, Paris. You can get to know it better by touching the ancient secrets, legends of the city. In Paris, there are many mystical places that excite the imagination, revealing the history of the city from an unexpected angle. The travel program includes acquaintance with the legends of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, information about the ghost of the Opera Garnier, the prisoner in the iron mask of the famous Bastille, the mystery associated with the appearance of the city's coat of arms and other interesting facts.

A special place in acquaintance with Parisian secrets is given to the mysterious catacombs of Paris, which appeared in the Middle Ages. Hundreds of underground galleries that have become the city's cemetery, tombs, sophisticated sewage systems, a modern subway network, bank vaults, wine cellars, etc. In just two hours of travel, you are immersed in the mysterious world of city center attractions.

Sightseeing tour of Paris with a visit to the Fragonard factory

A 3-hour bus and walking tour of the French capital will allow you to get acquainted with the sights of the central regions. Tourists will see the Grand Opera, the Louvre, the French Academy, the Musée d'Orsay, the Palais de Justice and Notre Dame Cathedral, located on the Ile de la Cité. There is also the Gothic chapel of Sainte-Chapelle, which is famous for its stained glass windows.
Travelers will visit the student Latin Quarter, where the Sorbonne and the Pantheon are located.

The route includes the Champs Elysees with the Arc de Triomphe and palaces and the Champs de Mars with the Eiffel Tower. Guests of the city will be offered to take panoramic pictures of the city from one of the best viewing platforms - the Trocadero and against the backdrop of the House of Invalides, which houses the necropolis. The walk involves a visit to the famous museum-shop of the Fragonard factory, where you can buy perfumes, jewelry, interior items, etc.

Disneyland (2 parks + transfer to the park + train ticket)

Just 32 km from Paris, in the town of Marne-la-Valais, lies the world of childhood and magic, where miracles happen every day and there is always a place for adventure. This is French Disneyland, which opened back in 1992 and still never ceases to amaze its guests. The entertainment complex consists of Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park, Disney Village entertainment area, hotel, etc. Tourists are invited to take a trip to 2 parks.

In Disneyland Park, they will visit fabulous countries: Fantasy, Travel, Borderline, Discovery, full of exciting attractions, entertainment and tasks. Disney Park invites you to see behind the scenes of filming, the process of creating special effects and even participate in everything yourself. In this fairy kingdom with a typical French palace, stylized streets and fantastic countries, there are cartoon characters with whom you can take pictures. And a fabulous train runs around the surroundings, travel in which will be another adventure.

In the footsteps of the three musketeers

Any traveler will want to go to places associated with the literary heroes of their childhood as brave musketeers.The famous Dumas specified the main place of residence of his heroes: from Luxembourg to the cathedral in Saint-Sulpice square and from the old Stara Dovecote street to Luxembourg (Saint-Germain quarter). You can walk through these places associated with the life of your favorite childhood heroes during an individual excursion in two hours (the cost of the hike is 125 €).

Look at the cozy outhouse on the longest street in Vaugirard, where Aramis lived. Go to the alley (the old street of Mogilshchikov) and see house number 11, where d'Artagnan settled. Or explore the street Feru (preserved its former appearance), where Athos lived. Walk along the new street instead of the Old Dovecote, where Porthos' apartment, de Treville's mansion were located. Explore the Monastery of the Deschaux Carmelites, hear about the site of the famous battle of the Musketeers, the numerous actions throughout Paris described in the novel.

Daily walking sightseeing tour "Paris at 15:15"

A walking tour of Paris will acquaint you with the most iconic places of the capital - its business cards. The walk will start from the largest street - Champs Elysees, a fashionable and beautiful avenue. The most famous building of the avenue is the Arc de Triomphe, from where parades start and where the Tour de France bicycle race finishes, is equipped with an observation deck. Moving further, tourists will find themselves on the Place de la Concorde, where, surrounded by fountains, there is a stone stele - a gift to Napoleon from the Egyptian viceroy. Further afield, the Elysee Palace, in which Madame de Pompadour and Josephine lived, was where Alexander I stayed, and now the office of the head of France is located.

What is Paris without the Eiffel Tower on the Champ de Mars. Conceived as a temporary structure and has given rise to many controversies, it has stood for over 100 years, becoming a symbol of all of France. Another building that was not immediately recognized is the Montparnasse Tower, which also serves as an ideal observation deck. From here you can see everything that cannot be seen in a 2-hour walking tour of the capital.

Secrets of the two islands for adults and children

The heart of Paris is called two (completely different in the atmosphere of life, history) islands. The Ile de la Cité is considered the beginning of the formation of France. Here are the most precious sights of the country, its majestic architectural monuments (for example, Notre Dame Cathedral, the most beautiful chapel of Saint-Chapelle). Dauphine Square, the statue of the beloved king of the French, the first clock in the capital, the square where the master of the Knights Templar was executed.

The crossroads of the ancient roads of Lutetia have long been a place of pilgrimage for tourists around the world. Walking along the beautiful footbridge over the Seine, it is easy to get to the surprisingly quiet, picturesque island of Saint Louis. Here are preserved old mansions from the period of the reign of Cardinal Richelieu, a church from the times of the life of the three Musketeers. Until now, the embankment d'Anjou is decorated with the legendary Lozen mansion, which functions as a hotel. You can get acquainted with the history of the islands during an organized 1.5 hour walk, costing 54 € per person.

Exit excursion to Versailles

An example of luxury and sophistication of a royal residence, a symbol of the absolutism of the monarchy - Versailles was created out of banal envy. Sun King Louis XIV, seeing the Wole-Viscount palace, which surpassed the existing Tuileries and Louvre, decided to put the presumptuous Minister of Finance in his place. 21 years were spent on the construction of the palace and park complex, in which only the best craftsmen participated. Occupying an area of ​​almost 15 thousand hectares, the complex exceeded all expectations, becoming not only the pearl of France, but a World Heritage Site. Apartments full of masterpieces, the Mirror Gallery, the Little Venice Canal, a wonderful park - it's pointless to describe it, you have to see them.

Once the official residence of kings, then a country castle and a museum - Versailles witnessed outstanding personalities and events. Intrigues and love affairs, political agreements and peace treaties - what just did not happen within these walls. Versailles have been repeatedly copied, but it remains unique and unrepeatable.

In the footsteps of the Parisian alchemists

The perception of the laws of the external world among the inhabitants of the Middle Ages was different. Numerous esoteric trends, schools of alchemists were in search of special secrets, symbols, codes that predetermine the fate of people. All architecture of that time was encrypted with symbols. An unsolved example of such a structure is the place of incredible power of Notre Dame. The cathedral is often referred to as the ancient code of laws of the occult.

Revealing the secrets of the cathedral, you can comprehend the laws of the creation of the world, get unlimited power over it. In its geometrical parameters, the symbols of the "sky" are hidden, the secret of the philosopher's stone is encrypted (a method of extracting gold from simple elements). The very same, the secret of creation, which was discovered by Nicholas Flamel. In the capital of France, there are several mysterious places associated with the life of the amazing alchemist of antiquity. You can follow in his footsteps during an interesting two-hour excursion, costing 44 € per person.

1-hour cruise "Lights of Paris" - 15 €
Skip-the-line tickets to the roof of the Arc de Triomphe - 12 €
Eiffel Tower: access to the second floor - 41 €
Versailles & Gardens: Skip-the-Line Ticket with Audio Guide - € 26
Hop-on Hop-off Bus Tour. Class., Prem. or Lux
Tickets: Montparnasse: 56th floor rooftop terrace - 18 €
Show at Moulin Rouge with champagne - 87 €
Paris museums subscription: 2, 4 or 6 days - 53 €
Notre Dame Cathedral & Towers skip-the-line - 31 €

Excursion to Normandy with cider and calvados tasting

Normandy is an amazing region known for the beauty of seascapes, rocky coastlines and lovely villages. It is strongly associated with seafood, excellent cheeses and calvados. The route of the trip covers 3 cities. Rouen is the capital of Normandy, in which quarters with half-timbered buildings have been preserved. The city is better known as the place of execution of Jeanne Dark, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the Market Square.

Noteworthy is the Gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame, numerous images of which by Monet are presented in the Musée d'Orsay, the Astronomical Clock and restaurants where you can taste the local cuisine. The next point is the port of Honfleur, familiar from the paintings of the Impressionists. The small town is distinguished by the authentic architecture of the 15th century. and the largest wooden church - St. Catherine. The trip ends with the elite resort of Deauville with the largest sandy beach on the coast. Life in the city is in full swing: regatta, horse races, rallies, casinos, thalassotherapy and film festival - there will be no time to get bored.

Sightseeing tour "One day in Paris"

To discover the city in one day sometimes seems like something fantastic and impracticable. In fact, it is quite possible to do this - the main thing is that there is an experienced guide nearby, ready to introduce you to the world of the French capital. There is really a lot to be done during this excursion. For example, learn the history of the legendary Louvre pyramid and the mystery of the transformation of the royal palace into a world famous museum, imbued with the secrets of the Templars, who, it turns out, are associated with Paris.

Walk through the Tuileries Park, leaf through the moments of the history of the Isle of Cité, like the pages of a textbook, see Montmartre, hear the ringing of the bells of the legendary Notre Dame da Paris, admire the splendor of many Parisian buildings and much more. And, of course, Paris cannot be imagined without the legendary “crunch of French rolls”. During a busy walk, you will have to look into cozy city cafes more than once, try a croissant with coffee, falafel and other local culinary highlights. There will be enough time for shopping - the guide will be happy to tell you where you can buy souvenirs and even things.

Walks in Montmartre

Each tourist will be able to walk through one of the most mysterious and interesting quarters of the city. The departure point of the group is the Anvers metro station.The members of the group will visit such places as the “Elise-Montmartre” cabaret, “The Black Cat”, then proceed to the top of the hill of the same name, where they will learn the history of its creation. Further, tourists can enjoy the Sacre Coeur Basilica, see the statues decorating it up close, visit the Church of St. Peter, Theater Square and the famous "Pink House", where artists loved to gather so much. Children under 12 years old participate free of charge. A Russian-speaking guide stands out to be accompanied.

Pere Lachaise cemetery

Among the numerous museums and attractions, the Pere Lachaise cemetery stands out for its special atmosphere - peace and tranquility reign on its alleys. This place, contrary to the expectations of many travelers, is not at all gloomy - here the history of Paris seems to come to life in persons who contribute to the history, culture and traditions of the French capital. During this excursion, you will have to solve many interesting Parisian mysteries: who came up with the idea of ​​the legendary drinking fountains, when and where the story of the Queen of Spades began, who made the French fall in love with potatoes, who owns the idea of ​​a cunning mechanism, thanks to which the clock began to show the exact time and many others.

In addition, it will be possible to “get acquainted” with the baron who once “decorated, expanded and revitalized” Paris, a philosopher who wrote a book in the company of ghosts, an artist who sentenced the king himself to guillotine, French Romeo and Juliet, Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, Oscar Wilde and many many others who found eternal peace on Père Lachaise.

Great tour of Montmartre

Montmartre is like the soul of the French capital. There are many “visiting” sights on the legendary hill. However, there are also cozy picturesque streets where guests rarely drop in. The program will begin at the walls of the world famous Moulin Rouge cabaret, on the stage of which a simple square dance has turned into a French cancan. At various times, this hall has been visited by numerous famous guests - from the Queen of England to Liza Minnelli. The “entertainment” part does not end there. Here, on Mormartre, among the miraculously preserved vineyards, there is another cabaret with the funny name Agile Rabbit.

From a historical point of view, this institution is much more interesting than the Moulin Rouge advertised in the tourist world; you will have to discover its mysteries and secrets during this walk. Montmartre also boasts surprisingly mysterious corners. Here you can meet a person who knows how to walk through walls, stand by the witch's stone, touch the wall of Love, on which confessions are written in 311 languages ​​of the world. And, of course, the walk will be formal, if you do not turn off the trail trodden by tourists. It is enough to take just a few steps to the side to see a completely different Montmartre - with white houses and dark shutters, luxurious villas and small cozy courtyards.

Museums and Art - To make it easier for guests of the French capital to get acquainted with the art collections, magnificent collections of art galleries and other exhibition halls, Russian-speaking guides offer various guided tours of Parisian museums and treasuries.

The Parisian world of art, or you can touch with your hands

As part of this exciting excursion, tourists will be able to visit a number of antique galleries, houses where auctions are held, as well as famous flea markets. This is the best offer for connoisseurs of art who prefer to be alone with the brilliant works of artists, collectors' exhibits. One of the interesting places that you will visit together is the Drouot auction house. Your guide will tell you how to bid so you can buy interesting items at very attractive prices. The main "feature" of the route is the opportunity to visit private collections, places of sale of antiques and other rare artifacts, touch them with your hands, and maybe even buy some items as a souvenir. Tours run daily from 11 am to 7 pm.

Montmartre - the birthplace of impressionism

Guests can stroll through the legendary places of life and work of famous artists - Manet, Renoir, Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, Sisley and many others. An experienced Russian-speaking guide will acquaint those present with unusual stories from the life of artists, reveal still unknown pages of their lives, and share his impressions of their brilliant paintings. During their lifetime, many of the brilliant artists not only did not receive recognition, but were also subjected to general persecution, were forced to gather in secret and hide in places such as Montmartre. Today, their paintings are an adornment of absolutely any collection. The walk will take several hours, so make sure your shoes and clothing are as comfortable as possible for the walk.

Unusual Itineraries - It's time to talk about unusual itineraries for exploring Paris. The options for excursions collected in this section will appeal to those who have already managed to get acquainted with the famous sights of the city and are eager for new experiences.

All roads lead to Montorgueil

The route includes a visit to one of the most vibrant neighborhoods, famous for its pastries. It is believed that the Parisian trade originated in these streets. In addition to numerous confectionery factories, the quarter can boast of the fact that geniuses of music and pen such as Mozart, Picasso, Dali lived and created their masterpieces on its streets. The members of the group will also have the opportunity to enjoy the favorite delicacies of Parisians - snails, oysters and various types of cheese. The tour is accompanied by an experienced Russian-speaking guide. Visits to certain attractions are paid additionally.

Rue Mouffetard: Parisian Arbat

The program includes: tasting the best samples of wine products, attending presentations of new perfumes, massage sessions, opera performances and much more. Guests of the capital will be able to enjoy a rich assortment of designer watches, wooden toys, the unique taste of local coffee or hot chocolate. Attention: all additional expenses (buying food, drinks, souvenirs) are paid by tourists on their own. Children under 10 years old can participate free of charge.

Bread, cheese and wine, or feel like a Parisian

Participants will be offered to turn into real Parisians for a few hours, stroll through the most romantic places of the city, learn many secrets of local culture. First, tourists will enjoy a romantic breakfast of croissants and coffee in the Montmartre garden, then the group will move to the historic mansion, which was visited by Georges Sand, Chopin and other celebrities. The program also includes visits to several museums and a walk through the most romantic places in the city. A visit to the Champs Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe is expected.

Paris of tomorrow

Want to see the Paris of the future? Then you should definitely sign up for this fascinating excursion. The program includes a visit to the underground and most dynamic quarter of the city of San Martin. Initially, this place was oversaturated with factories and other industrial facilities. But after a few decades, the quarter became the real pride of Paris. Today it is a favorite place for the representatives of the "golden youth" to spend their time; a huge number of caffeine, snack bars and pastry shops are gathered on its streets. Here you can taste the best dishes of French and other cuisines of the world.

Great Walking Tour of the Louvre

The Louvre, better than any architectural masterpieces, tells about the centuries-old history of Paris. Walking through its halls, you can easily track how the tastes and preferences of Europeans changed, see how the French lived in different eras and, of course, get acquainted with wonderful works of art.Immersion in the world of art will begin with the medieval wing, which was founded in the 12th century as a defensive tower. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day, and evidence of its existence and amazing finds of those times were discovered not so long ago, several decades ago. During the Renaissance, another part of the Louvre was built, which today houses a rich collection of sculptures. Her pearls are Venus de Milo, the three Graces, the hunter Diana and many others.

The Louvre's art collection is in no way inferior to the sculptural art collection. Against the backdrop of the legendary La Gioconda, many forget that here you can see a lot of works by Raphael, Delacroix, Leonardo da Vinci and others. Another wing, a modern one, houses a collection of Napoleon's times, consisting mainly of tableware and furniture. It is hard to believe that just a few decades ago there was a government agency - the Ministry of Finance. And, of course, acquaintance with the Louvre is impossible to imagine without solving at least a few of its mysteries and secrets - they, as a rule, remain beyond the attention of those who visit the museum on their own.

Abbey of Vaud de Serne

Just a 30-minute drive from the center is the vastness of the Abbey of Vaud de Serne. The history of this beautiful place dates back to the 12th century. Unfortunately, only the ruins of the church and the magnificent monastic hall have survived since then. After the revolution, the complex, or rather what remained of it, was privatized and turned into the private property of the Rothschild family.

A rich family residence was built in its place. Today it is one of the most expensive and luxurious hotels in France. The history of the abbey is like a reflection of the past of the whole country, its different periods and eras. The excursion will end with a wonderful national dinner in the premises of the former refectory. True, only the high vaults of the ceiling and massive columns remind of bygone days - the eminent chef commands the kitchen for a long time.

Sightseeing tour - a date with Paris

Paris is not only visiting sights that are customary to visit during excursions. In order to feel like a part of this city, it is important to wander through the narrow streets, discover their mysteries and secrets, be imbued with unique aromas and, of course, slowly enjoy the beauty of cozy courtyards, where tourists rarely step foot. During this walk, you will be able to learn a lot. For example, the legend of the French Romeo and Juliet, the secret of the building, the project of which consisted of 30 kilometers of blueprints, what threads connect the French kings with Russia, and much more.

There is more to be seen. The walk will begin at one of the best viewing platforms in the city. Further, like fabulous pictures of a kaleidoscope, the Louvre, the Granté Opera, the Jeanne Darc monument, the Latin Quarter, Notre Dame de Paris, the Sorbonne and many other sights will flash before you. Some doubt that all this can be done in one day. In fact, it is possible if there is an experienced guide nearby who will help you plan your time and plan a route correctly.

Louvre for children

The Louvre is interesting not only for adults, but also for young visitors. Like a real sorceress, the guide will reveal the secrets of the Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt and many other interesting places for young tourists in a few hours. And a journey into a fairy tale will begin in a real dungeon, where the ruins of the first medieval fortress and the royal palace have been preserved. And, of course, in such a place you cannot do without legends, mysteries and secrets. An excellent addition to the medieval route will be the opportunity to walk along the picturesque suspension bridges, which are more than one hundred years old.

As if at the behest of a magic wand, they will become a road in a completely different era and a different world - Ancient Egypt. Here little curious tourists can not only understand the intricacies of the genealogies of the gods, but also learn how to write their names in real hieroglyphs! Another wave of the magic wand - and the guests find themselves in a luxurious throne room, becoming heroes of fairy tales about princesses and princes. A small excursion into history will be a great addition and will be remembered, for sure, better than any paragraph from a history textbook. And, of course, the excursion will not be complete without the legendary La Gioconda, which is interesting not only for adults, but also for children.

Legends of Mont Saint Michel

The outskirts of the city are rich in vineyards, castles and, of course, ancient monasteries. One of them is the impregnable abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, located on a rocky island. In this beautiful place, you can not only take a break from the urban bustle, but also learn about the history of France, get acquainted with its customs and traditions that have been formed over the centuries. The history of the abbey began in the distant X century. It was then that the Church of Notre Dame sous Terre was built, perfectly preserved to this day. However, the pearl of the complex is still not one, but the Clouatre garden, located as if between heaven and earth. It is believed that the prayers uttered here will certainly be heard by God.

In addition to the abbey itself, it is interesting to walk along the picturesque street of the village located at the foot of the cliff. It, smoothly turning into a bridge connecting the island with the mainland, boasts numerous souvenir shops, as well as colorful cafes. Going on an excursion to Mont San Michel, you should prepare for a rather long walking walk, numerous climbs and descents. In order for the walk not to turn into torture, it is imperative to wear comfortable shoes.

Auto-tour of the castles around Paris

Paris is known not only for its visiting sights, but also for the castles located in the vicinity. There are more than 300 of them, and many remain in the shadow of the legendary Versailles. But beautiful residences deserve no less attention! During this excursion, you can make your own route by choosing where to go. There are many options. History buffs will surely love the castle that belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte's wife. Josephine sincerely loved this place, and the emperor himself spent no less time here than in the Tuileries Palace and even arranged diplomatic meetings and receptions. Personal belongings and furnishings of the imperial family have been preserved in the halls to this day. If you're lucky, you can even touch the spines of the books that Napoleon himself read.

Connoisseurs of art will surely not remain indifferent to the village in the Oise Valley, where Monet, Van Gogh and many others have been repeatedly. If you look closely at the reproductions of their work, you will surely notice a trace of the surrounding landscapes. There is always a chance to enjoy the beauty in the local museum of impressionism, and in the gift shop to buy creative keepsakes. For example, an umbrella with a painting by Monet. Literary aficionados will surely be interested in the beautiful Monte Cristo Castle. It was here that Alexandre Dumas once lived and worked. And in Breteil to this day you can look at the exhibition dedicated to the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. The choice is really huge. Moreover, you have at your disposal a car, and with it a guide and an experienced driver in one person, who will show beautiful places and tell about their history, riddles and secrets.

Get to know Paris in 3 hours

A 3-hour walk through the most romantic city will make travelers fall in love with it.
It all starts with the famous opera Garnier. The Grand Opera is the most beautiful palace, on the stage of which Chaliapin, Caruso, Lifar, Nijinsky performed, and the famous "Phantom of the Opera" was filmed on the roof.
Then, through the octagonal Place Vendome, known for its houses, to the banks of the Seine, where the former residence of the King of the Louvre and the former castle of Cardinal Paul Royal were located opposite each other, then it was called the Palais Cardinal.Next to them, tourists will see the parish church of the royal branch of Valois Saint-Germain d'Auxeroy.

The route includes a visit to the most famous temple of Notre Dame de Paris, which is guarded by the legendary chimeras. Beautiful pictures with the temple in the background are taken from the Viviani Garden, which cannot be compared to the previously visited Tuileries Gardens, but is also beautiful. The first acquaintance with the city will be completed by the Latin Quarter.

As you can see, the choice of exciting and inexpensive excursions is simply huge. Undoubtedly, every tourist will find the most interesting and suitable route for himself.

In Paris, GuruTurizma recommends the following hotels:

InterContinental Paris Le Grand


Located just 30 meters from the Opéra Garnier

Fraser Suites Le Claridge Champs-Elysees


Located on the trendy and chic Champs Elysees highway

Royal Garden Champs Elysees


7 minutes walk from Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe

Superb based on 1,051 reviews

Hotel Chaplain Paris Rive Gauche


350 meters from the Luxembourg Gardens

Use the services of kiwitaxi and at the airport, at the specified time, the driver will be waiting for you, help with the luggage and promptly take you to the hotel. Several car classes are available - from economy to Minibus with 19 seats. The price is fixed and does not depend on the number of passengers and the address within Paris. A taxi from / to the airport is a convenient and comfortable way to get to your destination.


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