Plastihistoria: an extraordinary exhibition of original displays


Plastihistoria, which is known not only in Spain, but also far beyond its borders, can safely claim the title of the most original and amusing exhibition of the last few years. Recently, the exposition opened in Teruel and is again ready to please all admirers of unusual art trends from around the world.

The uniqueness of the exhibition lies in the fact that all the exhibits are made of ordinary plasticine, as well as paper and wood. Tourists will be offered to take a walk through the most significant and epoch-making events of mankind. All figures are made taking into account the smallest details, which will make you feel like a real Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians!

In total, the exposition includes 20 scenes from various historical periods, which are dedicated to significant events of the human race. All the figurines are "dressed" according to the fashion that existed in a particular historical period, each little participant in the exhibition has a unique facial expression, which even allows one to unravel the main features of his character.

By the way, the exhibition features not only human figures. You can also consider minor characters, which are also part of the exhibition collection. These are figurines of cats and dogs made from scrap materials, and even a miniature copy of the famous Trojan horse.

Visitors will be able to travel back in time for several hours, learn a lot of interesting things from the life of ancient people, representatives of the most famous civilizations of Rome, Egypt, Persia, go along with army soldiers to the front of the First and Second World Wars, and even learn about how space was explored in different periods of the formation of modern humanity.

The organizers of the exhibition say that the exposition is designed for children, but, as practice shows, it is in good demand among adults as well. The exhibition will last until the first days of April in the Church of St. Peter.


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