What to see in Venice in 2 days - 25 most interesting places


Only in a dream or in a fairy tale can you see water canals instead of asphalted streets, along which sea vessels go instead of buses and trolleybuses. But such a miracle phenomenon exists in reality - the most unique city on Earth is beautiful Venice, amazing and unique, having seen it at least once, it is impossible to forget it.

The city on the water with the richest history, culture, traditions is a real museum, where almost every building, every cobblestone of squares is a great monument. Even 2 days spent here and the main attractions of Venice will give you as many vivid impressions as years of staying elsewhere do not. What is worth seeing in mysterious Venice in 2 days on your own?

1 day

If you have not compiled a list of objects in advance at your discretion, then we suggest seeing the most significant Venetian sights. Reinterpreting the famous saying, we can say that "all canals in Venice lead from the Piazza Roma", connected to the Santa Lucia railway station by a graceful arc of the Calatrava Bridge. To save on transport costs, it would be optimal to purchase a travel pass (48 hours of travel - 30 €).

Piazza San Marco

The most famous city square of St. Mark is the "heart" of Venice, the same as Red Square for Moscow, so there are always crowds of tourists on it. You can get to it by vaporetto (river tram) on route N1 from Piazza Roma along the main Grand Canal. It will not be superfluous to stop at the famous symbol of Venice - the ancient Rialto Bridge, walk along it to find yourself in the Middle Ages, then stroll through the market of the same name, full of bright colors, multilingual sounds and colorful smells. "Satisfied" with the first impressions, go to the stop. vaporetto N1 and continue towards pl. San Marco. The next stop is st. Valaresso with the Cathedral of St. Mark, in which you will be amazed with its unique beauty by the altar of gold.

Skip-the-line ticket to St. Mark's Cathedral - 5 €
Opera La Fenice skip-the-line ticket with audio guide - 13 €
Short boat trip to Murano, Torcello and Burano - 20 €
Shared gondola ride - 32 €

St. Mark's Cathedral

The stunning beauty of the temple, where the relics of the great saint are kept, surpasses all the cathedrals of Europe in exquisite architecture and external design. Despite repeated reconstructions and transformations, the building of the cathedral has retained elements of the 11th century style. An amazing fact - the majestic bulk of the temple is based on larch piles, which clearly confirms the unique strength of the amazing wood.

All services are still held in the cathedral, if you wish, you can become a member of one of them. From the cathedral you can walk directly to the square, surrounded by unsurpassed monuments of art and architecture: the famous Doge's Palace, Museums - Archeology, Correr, the majestic bell tower, the Marciana National Library, etc.

Clock Tower of Saint Mark

On St. Mark's Square, numerous tourists look with interest at the clock tower of San Marco of the late 15th century, erected in the form of a high quadrangular pillar. Between the first and second floors, in the center of the tower, there is a monumental arched passage to the main street of Venice - Merceria and the old quarter of Rialto.

At the top of the tower, sculptures of two Moors, striking the bell with a hammer every hour, half an hour and 15 minutes, attract attention. The young and old age of the Moors, captured in sculptures, is the personification of the flow of time in human life. Under the Moors, against a blue starry background, is the symbol of the Evangelist St. Mark, who has become the coat of arms of Venice - a sculpture of a winged lion holding an open Bible in its paws.

Below in the facade of the tower is a niche with a gilded sculpture of the Virgin and Child. The center of the tower attracts attention with the beauty and uniqueness of the large clock with a blue dial studded with gold stars, with a globe in the middle and figures of the zodiac signs arranged in a circle.

Created 500 years ago, they show hours and minutes to this day, display the lunar phases, the time of the year and the location of the sun in the zodiac signs. It is possible to see how the mechanism of ancient unique watches works during the excursion. They are held 4 times a day with a recruitment of 12 people: from Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:00, from Thursday to Sunday from 14:00 to 15:00.

Campanile of St. Mark's Cathedral

The tallest building in Venice - the Campanile of the famous Cathedral of St. Mark rises to 99 meters on the square of the same name. It acquired its modern look at the beginning of the 16th century, adorned with a spire, completed with a weather vane with a golden angel and an attached open gallery - a loggetta.

The Campanile bell tower has long served as a ship lighthouse and watchtower. In addition, it was a place of punishment for clerics seen in same-sex relationships. In 1609, the bell tower became the site for testing the telescope by Galileo.

Each of the five large bells on the campanile served its purpose, informing the Venetians about the time and important events in the life of the city: about the end and beginning of the working day, about the approach of noon, the third - about the meetings of the Grand Council and the Senate, gathered people before executions. A picturesque panorama of Venice and the Venetian lagoon appears from the height of the bell tower. You can climb to the observation deck in October, November, May, June from 9.00 to 19.00, from December to April (until Easter) from 9.30 to 15.45 and from July to September from 9.00 to 21.00.

Doge's Palace

One cannot but admire the appearance of the majestic Doge's Palace, the history of which is associated with the history of the emergence of the Venetian Republic (the unification of 12 islands). The purpose of the luxurious palace is to accommodate 12 doges (representatives of the Senate) in it.

This architectural masterpiece was built in the 15th century. on the site of the former (damaged by fire) and became a true gem among other architectural monuments of the past. But one cannot get a complete picture of the palace without seeing it from the inside, where the decoration of each hall amazes with its luxurious beauty, an abundance of artistic masterpieces of painting and sculpture. That there is only one Golden Staircase, about which there are legends!

After the inspection, you can have a bite to eat - there are plenty of cafes and cafes here. If funds allow you, you can go to establishments (Florian, Quadri), famous for the names of the great people of art who once were their regulars.

The snacks in them are more expensive, but the special atmosphere prevailing in everything will make you part of a great story. A delicious, healthy lunch with seafood dishes and a glass of Venetian aperitif await you in one of the many trattorias. Once you have refreshed yourself, you can continue your romantic voyage to the sights.

Ka'd'Oro Palace

It will be unforgivable not to see a unique architectural monument - the Ca 'de' Oro Palace, otherwise called the "Golden House", so you need to return to the stop. vaporetto N 1, get on the boat and sail to the r / on Cannaregio. The building of light colors of unusually beautiful design, Gothic architecture immediately catches the eye with an amazing graceful openwork of thin interweaving columns covering the loggias of the 2nd and 3rd floors.

As the story goes, huge funds were spent on the construction of this luxurious masterpiece: initially, the facade of the palace was decorated with gold leaf (for which it was nicknamed the Golden House). Its owner M. Cantarini wished to make the palace (1430) a symbol of his power and wealth. The painting of the facade was worked on (presumably) by the famous artist of that time, the Frenchman J.Charlier.

The beauty of architecture and the luxury of the decoration of the building eclipsed all the noble buildings that existed before it, becoming the main decoration of Venice and remaining so to this day, although there are no previous murals on the facade.

Now inside the palace there is a museum of works of art, which include not only paintings and sculptures of the great geniuses of the past, but also elements of hall decoration: magnificent mosaic floors, a carved marble well with graceful stone images symbolizing endurance, mercy and justice. The impressions of visiting the masterpiece are so deep that you should take your time walking along New Street (in order to "digest" them) to the Ponte delle Guglje bridge, turn right from it 2 times and come to the iconic place of the city.

Grand canal

The Grand Canal, which stretches for 4 km, curving with the letter S along the historic center of Venice, is the main water street of the city. Starting near the railway station, like a guide to a fairy tale, it opens to travelers a box with pearls scattered on the sides - the multi-colored facades of medieval buildings, stately temples and hundreds of luxurious palaces. There are no embankments on this unique street. All buildings erected on piles have two exits - to land and to water.

Along the canal, the palaces attract the eye with their stunning facades: Ca 'Rezzonico - keeping the memory of Pope Clement XIII, Ca' Foscari - the residence of the former doges, Ca 'd'Oro - an exquisite grand Venetian Gothic, Palazzo Barbarigo. Visual acquaintance with them makes you want to see the amazing palace interior and learn their fascinating history.

River trams - "vaportetto", river taxis and gondolas run along the Grand Canal, docking near four bridges: Scalzi, Rialto, Academy and Constitution, which serve as a connecting thread with the central streets and squares.

Church of Saint Moses

Not far from Piazza San Marco, the magnificent Baroque façade of the Basilica of Saint Moses with a 14th century brick campanile and a remarkable belfry with through arches attracts the eye. The exterior with an abundance of statues and the interior decoration of the temple date back to 1682.

Two busts on the façade depict the Fini brothers who invested in the renovation of the basilica. Their family coat of arms is visible on the tympanum. In the interior, the main place is occupied by a skillful altar with a relief composition depicting Moses with the ten commandments in his hands.

The chapel is decorated with paintings by famous Italian artists: "The Last Supper" by Tintoretto and "Washing of the Feet" by Palma. The statue of Mount Sinai and the unique ancient organ draws attention. Many statues of saints and biblical characters adorned the church interior. The church is open Tuesday from 11:00 to 18:00, Wednesday from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday 11:00 to 20:00, Friday from 9:00 to 19:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 20: 00, Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00. The entrance is free.

Correr Museum

The Correr Museum is named after the Venetian Patrician Theodore Correr, who bequeathed his vast art collection and wealth to the city for the creation of the museum. The collection received a residence permit in the Piazza San Marco in the architectural complex of the Procuration. The palace halls are decorated with frescoes, pilasters, ornamental stucco moldings and Venetian glass chandeliers. The halls on the ground floor showcase collections of old paintings, engravings, antique statues and sculptural compositions.

The second floor presents the history, culture and life of the Venetians. Collections of coats of arms, coins, medals, seals, a gallery of portraits of doges, models of ships and costumes of Venetians from different centuries are exhibited here. The art gallery is famous for paintings by Carpaccio, Bellini and the famous 13th century panel by Lorenzo Veneziano, depicting Jesus Christ surrounded by apostles and angels. The museum is open to visitors: from November to March from 10:00 to 17:00; from April to October from 10:00 to 19:00.

Church of the Holy Apostles

The site in the historic district of Canaregio, where the Basilica of the Holy Apostles stands, is considered the cradle of Venice. It was here that the people who founded the city first moored. Local tradition says that in the 9th century, Bishop Magnus had a vision about the request of the apostles to build a temple here, which was done in the 10th century.

Today the Church of the Holy Apostles appears in the form of the mid-18th century. The lower part of the temple was erected in the Gothic style, from the second floor it was continued in the architecture of the early Renaissance. Next to the church there is a bell tower, built in 1672, and an early Renaissance chapel, with the tomb of the Doge of Venice, skillfully executed by Tullio Coducci.

The premises of the temple are decorated in two rows with pilasters, paintings and altars of the 18th century. Above one altar, the artistic panel "Communion of Saint Lucia" from 1748, painted by Tiepollo, attracts the eye. Another altar is adorned with the late 16th century painting The Birth of the Virgin Mary. Between the altar and the nave, the paintings "The Last Supper" and "The Fall of Manna" by Cima de Conegliano and Paolo Veronese are of interest. You can see the masterpieces of painting from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 12.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00, on Sunday from 16.00 to 19.00.

Church of Santa Fosca

The Basilica of Santa Fosca is one of the oldest Catholic churches in the historic district of Canaregio, built in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Fosca, who suffered for the Christian faith in the 3rd century. The construction of the Church of Santa Fosca in the area dates back to the 10th century. It should be distinguished from the small church of the same name on the island of Torcello in the Venetian lagoon, built earlier in the second half of the 9th century.

The Basilica of Santa Fosca stands on the bank of the canal, with its main facade facing a small square with the monument to Paolo Sarpi, who fought against the Inquisition. Today the temple appears in the form formed in the first half of the 17th century with a neoclassical pink facade, decorated with four Corinthian pilasters, columns near the entrance and three statues of saints on the roof.

According to the architectural design, the Basilica of Santa Fosca is a single-nave structure, completed with a dome, on which the date 1741 is visible. The main structure is adjoined by 2 side chapels and a square bell tower. In the church interior, Tintoretto's painting "The Holy Family with a Donor", the painting "Trinity and Madonna" by Filippo Bianchi in the 17th century and the biographies of St. Fosca, artistically depicted by Francesco Migliori in the 18th century, are of historical and artistic value, which have become adornments of side altars.

The church is open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30.

Ca 'Rezzonico Palace

The luxurious white-stone palace, built in Baroque architecture in the first half of the 18th century over the waters of the Grand Canal, bears the name of the first owner of the mansion, Giambatista Rezzonico, the brother of Pope Clement XIII. The palace was built according to the designs of the best Venetian architects. Its interior amazes with ceiling frescoes made by famous painters Tiepolo and Canaletto, luxury of reliefs and ornaments on the walls.

A museum of the 18th century has been opened in the halls of the palace since the 30s of the last century. The ground floor with carved mahogany furniture, porcelain, crystal chandeliers, clothing and accessories showcases the lifestyle of the Venetian nobility of the time.

The second floor is dedicated to the unique views of Venice in the 18th century. Art lovers will enjoy the masterpieces of the extensive art gallery on the 3rd floor with a collection of sculptures, paintings by Piazzetto, Tintoretto, Guardi and many famous artists, a large collection of antique sculptures. The richly decorated entrance to the museum from the water of the Grand Canal is unusual. The museum is open: from April to October from 10.00 to 18.00, from November to March from 10.00 to 17.00. The day off is Tuesday, December 25, January 1 and May 1.

Natural History Museum

In the water of the Grand Canal, as if in a mirror, is reflected the luxurious building of the Natural History Museum - the mansion of Fondaco dei Turchi.It was erected in the first half of the XIII century on the model of the palaces of the Constantinople nobility with the addition of Venetian flavor in the decor.

The palace halls occupy 2 million exhibits representing botanical, zoological, entomological and ethnographic museum collections. The expositions, demonstrating the ancient flora and fauna, amaze with the sight of skeletons and stuffed species of extinct species of birds, animals, insects and fish. The pride of the exposition is the seven-meter prehistoric skeleton of a uranosaurus, there are 50 million years old.

Extensive herbariums of plants from all continents and the Adriatic are collected in a separate room, a solid collection of minerals introduces the wealth of the earth's interior. The highlight of the museum is the grandiose aquarium, which recreates the local ecosystem with invertebrates and fish living in it.

The ethnographic halls highlight the culture and life of the Venetians of different centuries. You can get acquainted with the unique expositions of the museum: Tuesday-Friday from June to October from 10.00 to 18.00, from November to May from 9.00 to 17.00; Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00 all year round. The day off is Monday.

Venetian ghetto

It is from the name of the historical district in Venice, where, at the direction of the Pope, from the beginning of the 16th century. lived baptized Jews, resettled from the island of Giudecca, the concept of "ghetto" was formed - a Jewish enclave, which took on an ominous meaning in the years of World War II. 3 bridges, closed at night by gates, connected the ghetto with the city. Here you can see ancient synagogues, a slab with a threatening inscription addressed to those who secretly consider themselves to be a Jew.

You cannot pass by the expressive Holocaust monument. Many interesting things will be revealed in the expositions of the Museum of Jewish Art, allowing you to see how talented these people are. If you had no idea about kosher food, you can dine at a local moderately priced kosher restaurant (15-20 €).

2nd day

The second day of travel around the city will also be full of strong impressions - the sights of the old Venetian district of Santa Croce will not leave anyone indifferent. For Venice, its eastern part plays an important role as a link with the mainland. At the Santa Lucia train station, you need to take vaporetto No. 1, the already familiar route, and swim to the San Stae pier to see the beautiful church of the same name.

Church of San Stae

Even from the Grand Canal, you will see the amazingly beautiful white luxurious facade of the Baroque style and you will understand that this is an architectural miracle that arose on this place in the 11th century. according to the project of Rossi. A church was erected in honor of Saint Eustathius, to whom Jesus Christ allegedly appeared during a hunt. You can endlessly admire graceful statues, columns with capitals, an openwork rose window, which became even more beautiful after the reconstruction of the 17th century.

The internal contents of the temple, consisting of a stunning collection of priceless art paintings by famous Venetian painters of that era (17th century), will also cause complete delight. You will be touched to the depths of your soul "The Torment of St. Bartholomew" by Tiepolo, "The Liberation of St. Peter from Dungeon" by Ricci, "St. James, Led to the Place of Execution" by Piazzetta - masterpieces that capture the tragic and bright moments of the life of the great saints from the angle of view of geniuses from art. Having enriched yourself spiritually and aesthetically, you can go further.

Ca'Pesaro Palace

Near the church there is a snow-white palace Ca'Pesaro - an architectural monument of the 17th century. Baroque style, which is the best work of the talented architect B. Longen. The palace was ordered by the family of the noble family of Pesaro, who wanted to capture their wealth and power in this building.

Looking at a luxurious building with many thin columns, arched vaults with graceful sculptural decorations, with a relief decor on the 1st floor, you understand that huge funds have been invested here. The magnificent building of the palace now houses 2 museums - the 1st floor - the International Gallery of Modern Art, which exhibits the artistic masterpieces of Matisse, Chagall, Miro, Tanguy, Klimt, Kandinsky, Sironi, F. Malyavin.

On the 2nd floor there is the Museum of Oriental Art, where the most interesting examples of applied art from Japan, Indonesia, China and India are presented in the expositions. The magnificent picture of the beauty of Venice will be incomplete without visiting another significant cathedral. To do this, you need to sit down again in vaporetto N 1 or N2, drive to the pier of Sao Toma and, guided by the sign "Frari", see the high tower of the grandiose church, and then the strict facade of the ancient temple-pantheon (1250-1443) ...

Cathedral of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

The world famous basilica is the burial place of famous personalities of Venice, including the brilliant painter Titian. Over the long years of construction, a monumental structure was erected, over which thousands of years have no power. Everyone who walks inside is amazed by the contrast between the external and internal appearance of the church, the beautiful interiors, and the extraordinary design of the decoration.

A number of stately marble-faced columns are directed towards the marble wall, covered with relief sculptural images, each of which bears a certain symbol and is an artistic masterpiece. An immeasurable feeling of admiration seizes everyone at the sight of the altar of Santa Maria - a real treasure trove of works of religious art: statues of saints, unusual lamps, openwork lattice window decorations simply amaze with their beauty.

But the most powerful impression is made by the central place of the altar, as if blazing with a bright flame - the painting of the great Titian "Assunta".

The grandiose (6.9 m high, 3.6 m wide) canvas depicts Mary in a scarlet dress, with her arms raised up. Wide fluttering sleeves create the impression of wings, the saint "soars above the ground" surrounded by angels. The bright red triumphal tones of the picture symbolize the strength of the human spirit, its triumph over everyday life on earth.

You will also be amazed by other creations of the masters of fine arts of the 15-16th centuries, you will come out of the cathedral with "enchanted wanderers". But you will not be full only with emotional and aesthetic impressions, you can think about lunch. Nearby, on pl. Saint Margherita (Campo Santa Marqherita) a large selection of restaurants (trattorias and osteria), where you can have a delicious lunch.

No less high-quality, but cheaper lunch will be offered at the Pier Dickens Inn pizzeria-pub. After having a snack and having a rest, it is worth continuing the inspection, so as not to regret later that you did not see another architectural monument, which is the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, located in the same district.

Church of Santa Maria della Salute

This next masterpiece of the 17th century. Architect Longen, captivating the eye with external graceful beauty, was created in honor of the Mother of God after the end of the epidemic of the deadly plague, according to the oath to her (Saint Mary) by members of the Senate. Therefore, the view of the church is so fabulously beautiful that it is impossible to take your eyes off the snow-white walls, decorated with delicate ornate molding, from the divine sculptures installed in niches and on the pediments and, in general, from the entire stunning view of the temple.

For 51 years, this architectural miracle was erected, which was discovered after the death of its creator, the memory of which is honored by grateful Venetians, proud of their brilliant fellow countryman and his unique brainchild, which looks like the best example of jewelry. The interior design is in complete harmony with the exterior - grace and beauty in everything. A magnificent mosaic floor, an openwork balustrade, wonderful paintings on the walls, unsurpassed art canvases by Titian.

The central altar, designed by Longuen himself, depicts the Madonna and Child, the symbolic figure of Venice and the devilish image of the Plague, expelled by St. Mary. Expressive allegory and artistic skill of execution leave no one indifferent, as well as the images written by L. Giordano, vividly conveying episodes of the life of Christ.

At the end of the trip, you should definitely take a gondola ride along the Giudecca Canal in order to fully soak up the enchanting atmosphere of the most extraordinary city on our planet. You don't have to rush to your place of lodging - dexterous boats maneuver through the canals around the clock.

Bridge of Sighs

The Bridge of Sighs over the Palace Canal, delighting tourists with its luxurious Baroque style, is a romantic and mysterious place with a fascinating history that explains its name. The construction of the bridge was caused by the need to connect the Doge's Palace, where justice was administered with a prison, where, after the trial, the criminals must be accompanied to confinement.

For the construction of the sad crossing, a project by the famous architect Antonio Conti with a roof and walls was chosen so that the criminal could not escape on the way to the dungeon. In 1602, the first convicts followed the bridge, casting a farewell glance at the city, sighing for the lost freedom.

The most famous lover in the world, Casanova, was once led across this bridge. Abstracting from the sad history of the Bridge of Sighs, it is impossible to hide admiration for its view with powerful arches and elaborate carvings on expensive snow-white marble. Today, the Bridge of Sighs has changed its dark reputation for a romantic one, gathering crowds of tourists and kissing lovers, confident that dreams come true here and love is forever strengthened.

Rialto bridge

The Rialto Bridge, built in 1181 from wood, was Venice's first crossing of the Grand Canal. Today, the stone bridge connects two tourist areas: San Marco and San Polo, opening the way to interesting sights - the Rialto Market and the Basilica of San Giacomo Rialto.

It was erected in the middle of the 16th century by a little-known architect Antonio de Ponte. The design of the Rialto was based on an inverted gondola. For the base of the bridge, 12 thousand piles were driven in, on which a 48-meter-long bridge was located, consisting of a gallery with 24 arches located on two sides.

The width of the arch used for the passage of ships is 28 meters, and the highest point reaches 7.5 meters. The Rialto is decorated with white marble with bas-reliefs. The space between the arches is occupied by a series of shops and souvenir shops.

The center of the bridge is notable for a portico with two high arches that form an observation deck that offers an amazing view of Venice. The Rialto Bridge has inspired artists and playwrights for centuries. How he looked in the 15th century is depicted in a painting by Carpaccio and described by Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.

Cathedral of San Giorgio Maggiore

The Benedictine Church of San Giorgio Maggiore is one of the main attractions of the Venetian island of the same name. Its construction, begun in the second half of the 16th century by the outstanding Italian architect Palladio, was completed in 1610. The snow-white marble cathedral is built in the Renaissance style, combining the classic high nave with low lateral borders.

The temple is notable for the rare combination of two unique facades: with a wide pediment and a long architrave on one side and a narrow pediment and massive columns towering on pedestals on the other side. On either side of the central portal there are statues of saints - George and Stephen.

In the interior of the church, there is an amazing altar decorated with a sculptural composition depicting Jesus Christ on a ball supported by four apostles. The church interior delights with the luxury of decor and paintings by Tintoretto "The Last Supper" and "Manna from Heaven", located near the presbytery. The cathedral bell tower, erected at the end of the 18th century, has 9 bells.

Campanile has an observation deck that can be reached by elevator to enjoy the picturesque landscape of Venice and the lagoon with islands. The cathedral is open every day from April to October from 9.00 to 19.00, from November to March from 8.30 to 18.00. On Sundays, tourists are allowed to enter before liturgy - 10.00 or after liturgy from 14.00.

Teatro La Fenice

The building of the opera house "La Fenice" was erected at the end of the 18th century on the site of the San Benedetto theater, which burned down in a fire in 1774. The new theater was named La Fenice, which translates as Phoenix reborn from the ashes. The theater building was built on the model of the Milan opera La Scala, not yielding to it in luxurious decor and acoustics. On the basis of the surviving drawings and drawings, they recreated murals, decor on balconies, walls and ceilings, admiring the richness of stucco and gilding.

Since its opening in 1792, operas by outstanding composers have been staged on the theater stage: Rossini, Bellini, Verdi. After a new reconstruction, the theater opened its doors in 2003. A visit to La Fenice is included in the program of many excursion tours, which allows you to see all the luxury of the interior and go behind the scenes. The theater has an exposition telling about its history from the day of its foundation and an exhibition dedicated to the opera diva Maria Callas. You can visit the theater any day of the week from 9:30 to 18:00.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, which houses the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, is a one-story building skillfully finished with snow-white Istrian stone. It looks exquisite above the water of the Grand Canal and is notable for the bas-reliefs of 8 lion heads located along the lower line of the facade of the two side wings.

Inside the palace is a priceless collection of 20th century painting masterpieces, collected by the niece of the famous collector Solomon Guggenheim. The museum exposition numbers about 300 paintings by outstanding artists of the last century, demonstrating a palette of artistic styles: cubism, modernism, futurism and surrealism.

An unforgettable event in the life of art connoisseurs is to see the originals of paintings by Leger, Kandinsky, Picasso, Malevich, Chagall and other artists, whose work has entered the treasury of world art. Part of the collection is housed in Nasher's sculptural garden, impressive with sculptural displays and installations by Moore, Caro and other artists. The founder of the museum, Peggy Guggenheim, is also buried in this garden. The museum is open every day, except Tuesday, from 10:00 to 18:00.

Murano island

The island of Murano is called an autonomous mini-city, which lifts the mood with the rainbow colors of old houses, the architecture of churches and palaces. This small island gained worldwide fame thanks to the art of local glassblowers, the secrets of which have been kept secret for more than one hundred years.

A unique palette of glass works of art and everyday life is collected at the Museum of Glass. It is impossible to resist the beauty of the original products of modern masters displayed in the souvenir shops, so as not to take a memorable souvenir from the island.

It is impossible to ignore the ancient temples of Murano. The Church of Santi Maria e Donato, preserved in the architecture of the 12th century, was erected in honor of the Virgin Mary revered by the Venetians and St. Donatus, whose relics were brought to the church in 1125.

The interior is striking a mosaic floor depicting mythological animals and ornaments with vegetation. It is interesting to see the churches that existed in medieval monasteries: Santa Maria degli Angeli, rebuilt in 1861, and Santa Maria degli Angeli, rebuilt after a fire in the early 16th century. There are several vaporettos from the San Marco pier and the train station to Murano Island from the center of Venice.

Burano island

The original and picturesque island of Burano with a palette of colorful houses is cut with blue ribbons of canals overlooking the waters of the Venetian lagoon. All the attractions of this area of ​​Venice are concentrated in the Baldassare Galuppi square. The falling bell tower of the Church of San Martino is striking here, the slope of which has already reached 1800 cm from the vertical due to the collapse of the ground.

The historic building of the bell tower, built at the beginning of the 18th century, is decorated with frescoes by the famous painter Tiepollo inside.The Church of San Martino, erected in 1645 in the form of a Latin cross with a vaulted ceiling, two side chapels and one main chapel, is famous for the painting "The Crucifixion" by Tiepollo, a recognized masterpiece of the Renaissance.

The island is famous for the art of lace making, passed down from generation to generation by lace makers. From the 16th to the 20th centuries, people from all over the world come to admire the original and rare examples of lace at the Museum dei Marletti, located in the former school of lacemakers.

The articles of old craftswomen and modern needlewomen placed on three museum floors are admirable: collars, capes, napkins, tablecloths, church clothes decorated with lace woven from silver and gold threads. The museum is open to visitors: in the summer from 10:00 to 18:00, in the winter from 10:00 to 17:00. The day off is Monday.

Which hotel in Venice to choose

If you are a wealthy person with a tight wallet and are not used to saving money, you can stay in a respectable hotel right in the center, choose a room with a stunning view from the window (you will also have to pay extra for this) and indulge in the "beauty on the water" inspection.

And if your budget is much more modest, but Venice is your dream, you can find cheaper accommodation by staying in an inexpensive hotel in Mestre, separated from the object of desire by a narrow strait. There you will be warmly welcomed, deliciously fed and given the opportunity to have a good sleep and "digest" the impressions and sensations of an extraordinary journey through the canal streets.

This will make your visit to the fairytale city even more romantic. It must be remembered that the main part of the path is connected with water, and from above it can spill in the form of rain, so it is better to put on comfortable waterproof shoes, put an umbrella in your bag.

Venice itinerary for 2 days on the map


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