Basilica of Santa Maria Novella: Florence's main Dominican church


Address: Italy, Florence
Building: XIII - XV centuries
Architect: Leon Battista Alberti
Coordinates: 43 ° 46'28.8 "N 11 ° 14'57.9" E


Short description

The amazingly beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria Novella is located in the flourishing city of Florence, in its historic center, near the main station and just half a kilometer from the legendary Duomo Cathedral.

Santa Maria Novella aerial view

Perhaps some tourists will say that this is one of the oldest structures (!) Cannot be compared with the main temple of Florence. However, this opinion is erroneous, and you can only hear it from people who have not yet visited the "blooming" and have not got acquainted with its many sights, historical and architectural monuments. The church, built, according to archaeologists and historians, in 1279, is considered one of the most important Dominican temples not only in Florence, but throughout Italy!

The interior of Santa Maria Novella cannot but arouse admiration: high ceilings, majestic columns, a huge crucifix and a seemingly endless hall - only a small part of what a traveler can enjoy when arriving in a flourishing city to get acquainted with its main attractions. Alas, too little attention is paid to this Basilica in many domestic tourist brochures: for the most part, the brochures describe the Duomo, the Uffizi Gallery and the beautiful Ponte Vecchio.

Basilica view from the square of Santa Maria Novella

In order to feel the unique atmosphere of Florence, learn the history of the formation of this city, you should definitely visit many of its temples and palaces. To do this, it is not at all necessary to follow the advice of the agencies where the tour to Italy is purchased, it is enough to see the photos of the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella and other equally famous sights to get a complete idea of ​​what to see in Florence and where to go first.

Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence: construction and history

At the moment, it is known for certain that the monks who were part of the Dominican order arrived in Florence as early as 1219. As a gift for their feat in the name of faith, they received a small church dedicated to the Mother of God. It was located at that time on the territory called "Vineyards". In those distant times, there were no massive fortress walls that protected the city from enemy invasions. "Blossoming" was then surrounded by many fields, which grew bushes of grapes of the most diverse varieties. As you might guess, it is for this reason that the area given to the Dominicans was called "Vineyards".

View of the facade of the church

When exactly the Church of Our Lady was consecrated on the "Vineyards", scientists find it difficult to answer. There is a mention of this event in the documents, however, the entry concerning the date of the consecration is impossible to read: some speak of 1049, and some of 1094. However, this information has practically no value, because in 1279 the construction of the majestic Basilica of Santa Maria Novella began. Due to a lack of funding, the church was built only at the end of the 14th century, and the decoration of the facade and work on the interior lasted even longer. Who was the chief architect who developed the plan for the temple consecrated by Pope Martin V is likely to remain a mystery. It is only worth noting the fact that it was possible to complete the facade and create a huge central entrance thanks to the support of the Rucellai dynasty.

In 1565, the famous architect, artist and writer Giorgio Vasari began the reconstruction of the church, who laid the foundation for such a science as art history. By the way, it was this talented scientist who began the construction of the famous Uffizi Gallery, which, like a magnet, attracts everyone who came to Florence.

Basilica view from the central station of Florence

According to a project developed by Vasari, the workers slightly narrowed the huge Gothic-style windows, relocated and completely changed the choir fence and restored the side altars. All work on changing the external appearance of the temple and its interior was completed already in 1571, and six years later, the Gaddi Chapel appeared in Santa Maria Novella, which was designed by Giovanni Dozio. The basilica, fortunately, was not attacked or plundered, it is thanks to this that modern Florentines and guests of the city can see all the splendor of the interior, untouched stained glass windows and a huge number of chapels, over which the most ingenious masters worked. By the way, in the huge list of people who contributed to the construction and decoration of the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, you can also find the name of the great Michelangelo.

Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence: the priceless heritage of the ancestors

Today, the Dominican temple appears to the visitor in almost the same form as at the end of the 16th century. Genuine interest is aroused by the "Grand Chapel", in which, behind the altar, you can see a unique crucifix and a huge number of frescoes: it was on them, according to historians and art historians, that Michelangelo worked. It is worth noting that all the stained glass windows of this chapel have survived to our time since 1492.

Basilica interior

After the "Big Chapel" the tourist is recommended to visit the chapels "Bardi" and "Rucellai". In the "Bardi Chapel" an unforgettable experience will be given by a magnificent painting entitled "Madonna and Rose" by Vasari, and in the "Rucellai Chapel" there are a lot of frescoes on biblical themes. By the way, the Rucellai Chapel previously kept a painting called Madonna Rucellai, which it was decided to move to the Uffizi Gallery so that as many visitors as possible could enjoy the talent of the artist Duccio di Buoninsegna. Speaking of the numerous chapels of the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, one cannot but recall the Strozzi di Mantova, in which you can see what the paradise described in Dante's Divine Comedy looks like.

A true work of art can be considered the sacristy, built in the Gothic style, and which contains a vase made by Giovanni della Robbia back in 1498. After visiting all the chapels and the sacristy, connoisseurs of beauty go to the green cloister, which, along with the buildings of the monastery and the Spanish Chapel, is included in the Basilica Museum. Straight from the green cloister, where you can find a lot of unique frescoes, stucco moldings, jewelry made of precious metals and even ancient costumes, through a huge passage, tourists enter the upper rooms of the temple.

Basilica altar

The most mysterious place in the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella is the Cloister of the Dead... This room is considered mysterious not because ghosts appear there, as, for example, in the Opera Garnier, but because the entrance to it is closed. In the Cloister of the Dead in the Dominican temple, the most influential and richest inhabitants of Florence found rest in the huge funeral chapels. Surprisingly, all these people bequeathed to bury their bodies not in the Duomo, but in the temple, which at a certain period of time was even the official residence of the popes. By the way, the popes lived in the premises of the Great Cloister, which, unlike the Cloister of the Dead, can be found today. Naturally, the Chapel of the Popes is notable for its luxurious interior decoration: it is decorated with various frescoes, and the ceiling amazes the imagination with nine paintings depicting angels. Right next to them is the coat of arms of the legendary Medici dynasty.

You can enter the Dominican temple, located right next to the main station, every day from 9 am to 5:30 pm. It is worth remembering that on Sunday the church opens from 12-00.For inspection of all its open spaces, you have to pay 3 euros. After visiting the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, you should not immediately leave the area that used to be called "Vineyards": there is a pharmacy right next to the temple ... Not a simple pharmacy, but a real workshop for the production of medicines and perfumes, built in 1381 year!

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